201 Main Street, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Schedule Your Free Consultation (817) 926-1003

Construction Accidents

A construction accident attorney who can help you prove your case.

The plain truth is that construction sites can be some of the most dangerous workplaces in Texas. There are thousands of deaths each year, and those who are injured not only experience physical pain but often face financial difficulties related to their inability to work.

If you are in this position, there is light at the end of the tunnel: Greg Jackson Law. I have the background, resources, knowledge and compassion to help you get the compensation you deserve. You can count on me to fight diligently and responsibly for your rights. Call me now at (817) 926-1003 for a consultation.

Do you need to file a workers’ compensation claim?

If you were working at the time of the accident then your case may be resolved by filing a workers’ compensation claim. There are some advantages to this option, if it is available, including the fact that you don’t have to prove fault. All that is required is for you to prove that you were injured at work, and it should cover you.

Of course, there are loopholes and there are unscrupulous workers’ compensation adjusters who may work to prevent your claim from being approved. This is one reason you should consult attorney. Remember that there is a big downside to this option over filing a personal injury claim. Keep reading to learn more.

Do you need to file a personal injury claim?

If someone else was at fault for your accident, then it may make more sense to file a personal injury claim. The main downside of this option is that you would have to prove negligence. For example, if your construction manager did not take necessary steps to ensure that equipment was well maintained and your accident was the result of this poorly maintained equipment, then you could have a claim on your hands.

The main advantage of filing a personal injury claim versus a workers’ compensation claim is that you are potentially eligible to recover more for your damages. For example, workers’ compensation does not allow for pain and suffering. With a personal injury claim, you could be reimbursed for this and other noneconomic damages.

The two main types of damages in personal injury claims.

There are two main types of damages in a personal injury case:

  • Economic. This includes missed time from work, out-of-pocket expenses, medical bills and other actual economic damages.
  • Noneconomic. This includes damages you have suffered that cannot be represented by a specific financial figure. For example, physical pain, loss of enjoyment in your life and mental anguish.

No matter the specifics of your case, if you were injured on a construction site, it is likely you have some recourse to recover compensation for your damages. To get started, contact Greg Jackson Law at (817) 926-1003.