201 Main Street, Suite 600 Fort Worth, Texas 76102 Schedule Your Free Consultation (817) 926-1003

Electric Scooter Accidents

Electric scooter accidents are on the rise. We can help victims recover compensation.

Texas has seen an increase in the use of electric scooters. While this can be advantageous in many ways, like relieving road congestion, there is one big drawback: an increase in electric scooter accidents. There are many ways a person can be injured on an electric scooter. If you have suffered in an accident, then I urge you to learn more about your legal options. Call Greg Jackson Law at (817) 926-1003 to speak with an attorney who’s here to help when you’re hurt.

The many causes of electric scooter accidents.

A person riding an electric scooter, or anyone near a person riding an electric scooter, can be injured in a number of ways. Some of the most common causes of electric scooter accidents include:

  • Using the electric scooter improperly or unsafely
  • Loose or detached handlebars
  • Children using electric scooters alone and unsupervised
  • Battery crash during a ride
  • Riding scooters on roads or sidewalks without bike lanes
  • Brake failure
  • Several people riding a scooter at once
  • Malfunction of the scooter
  • Scooter improperly secured in a car or truck
  • Flat tires
  • Road issues, such as potholes, litter and ice/water

Of course, these are just a few of the potential causes of a scooter accident. The truth is that they can be caused by many different actions or lack of action.

Common injuries caused by electric scooter accidents.

Just as there are many different ways an accident can happen on an electric scooter, so too are there many kinds of potential injuries they can cause. Minor injuries include cuts, sprains and strains. More serious injuries include fractured bones, traumatic lacerations, herniated discs and head injuries.

Who is at fault for an electric scooter accident?

When a person is involved in an electric scooter accident, their first question to an attorney is often: Who is at fault? While the answer depends on the specifics of the case, some of the potentially at-fault parties include:

  • The person riding the scooter. If the scooter rider was riding unsafely, was riding somewhere they were not supposed to or made another poor decision, they could be at fault for the accident.
  • Other people on the road. Electric scooters can be ridden anywhere a bike can. This means that most accidents happen on roads. These often involve vehicles that are traveling much faster than the scooter. If the driver of a vehicle is at fault, then their insurance likely covers the claim.
  • The scooter manufacturer. If malfunction was the cause of the accident, then the manufacturer or distributor of the electric scooter may be at fault.

If you want to know who was at fault for your accident and how you can hold them accountable, contact Greg Jackson Law at (817) 926-1003.